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Dear Teacher and/or School Administrator,

This outstanding open-source Moodle Training PD is a great resource for teaching yourself many of the complicated capabilities of moodle. However, it is important that you ask for a course shell with which you can begin to experiment and into which you can create your own things and import activities from open-source courses that others have already created. Students love using moodle but only if the course is well organized and contains the specific things that your students need to meet state standards. Moodle by itself is useless. You must create a course that makes sense and is well organized. In other words, it must be designed as a true teaching tool that supports good pedagogical strategies in your subject area. Most teachers use a hybrid model, (i.e. a blend of traditional and moodle) and grow their moodle courses as they become more experienced in its use.

Commentary by William Graves

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